- km.ci::rectum.datRectum carcinoma data set.
- mpm::Famin81AFamin81A Data...
- mpm::GolubGolub (1999) Data...
- mpm::Golub.grpGolub (1999) Data...
- SDaA::agpopData from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture
- SDaA::agsrsData from a SRS of size 300 from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture
- SDaA::agstratData from a stratified random sample of size 300 from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture.
- SDaA::anthropLength of Left Middle Finger and Height for 3000 Criminals
- SDaA::anthsrsLength of Left Middle Finger and Height for an SRS of Size 200
- SDaA::anthuneqLength of Left Middle Finger and Height for an Unequal-Probability Sample of Size 200
- SDaA::auditSelection of Accounts for Audit in Example 6.11
- SDaA::booksData from Home Owner's Survey on Total Number of Books
- SDaA::certifyData from the 1994 Survey of ASA Membership on Certification
- SDaA::cootsEgg Size from Coots
- SDaA::countiesData from an SRS of 100 of the 3141 Counties in the U.S.
- SDaA::divorceData from a Sample of Divorce Records
- SDaA::golfsrsSimple Random Sample of Golf Courses
- SDaA::htpopHeight and gender of 2000 persons in an artificial population
- SDaA::htsrsHeight and gender for an SRS of 200 persons, taken from htpop
- SDaA::htstratHeight and gender for a stratified random sample from htpop
- SDaA::journalTypes of Sampling Used for Articles in a Sample of Journals
- SDaA::measlesSurvey of Parents of Children Non-Immunized against Measles
- SDaA::ncvsVictimization Incidents in the July-December 1989 NCVS
- SDaA::nybightData Collected in the New York Bight
- SDaA::ottersOtters Data
- SDaA::ozoneOzone Readings from Eskdalemuir, for 1994 and 1995
- SDaA::samplesSamples Dataset
- SDaA::sealsBreathing Holes of Seals
- SDaA::selectrsSteps used in Selecting an SRS
- SDaA::statepopUnequal-Probability Sample of Counties in the US
- SDaA::stateppsInformation on States
- SDaA::sycSurvey of Youth in Custody, 1987
- SDaA::teachersElementary School Teacher Workload Data
- SDaA::teachmiCluster Sizes for Elementary School Teacher Workload Data
- SDaA::teachnrFollow-Up Study of Nonrespondents from Gnap (1995)
- SDaA::winterASU Winter Closure Survey
- SMCRM::acquisitionRetentionAcquisition-Retention Data from Chapter 5
- SMCRM::customerAcquisitionCustomer Acquisition Data from Chapter 3
- SMCRM::customerChurnCustomer Churn Data from Chapter 6
- SMCRM::customerRetentionDemographicsDemographics Data for Customer Retention (Chapter 4)
- SMCRM::customerRetentionLifetimeDurationLifetime Duration Data for Customer Retention (Chapter 4)
- SMCRM::customerRetentionTransactionsTransactions Data for Customer Retention (Chapter 4)
- SMCRM::customerWinBackCustomer Win-Back from Chapter 7