Package: SDaA 0.1-5

SDaA: Sampling: Design and Analysis

Functions and Datasets from Lohr, S. (1999), Sampling: Design and Analysis, Duxbury.

Authors:Tobias Verbeke

SDaA.pdf |SDaA.html
SDaA/json (API)

# Install 'SDaA' in R:
install.packages('SDaA', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

  • agpop - Data from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture
  • agsrs - Data from a SRS of size 300 from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture
  • agstrat - Data from a stratified random sample of size 300 from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture.
  • anthrop - Length of Left Middle Finger and Height for 3000 Criminals
  • anthsrs - Length of Left Middle Finger and Height for an SRS of Size 200
  • anthuneq - Length of Left Middle Finger and Height for an Unequal-Probability Sample of Size 200
  • audit - Selection of Accounts for Audit in Example 6.11
  • books - Data from Home Owner's Survey on Total Number of Books
  • certify - Data from the 1994 Survey of ASA Membership on Certification
  • coots - Egg Size from Coots
  • counties - Data from an SRS of 100 of the 3141 Counties in the U.S.
  • divorce - Data from a Sample of Divorce Records
  • golfsrs - Simple Random Sample of Golf Courses
  • htpop - Height and gender of 2000 persons in an artificial population
  • htsrs - Height and gender for an SRS of 200 persons, taken from htpop
  • htstrat - Height and gender for a stratified random sample from htpop
  • journal - Types of Sampling Used for Articles in a Sample of Journals
  • measles - Survey of Parents of Children Non-Immunized against Measles
  • ncvs - Victimization Incidents in the July-December 1989 NCVS
  • nybight - Data Collected in the New York Bight
  • otters - Otters Data
  • ozone - Ozone Readings from Eskdalemuir, for 1994 and 1995
  • samples - Samples Dataset
  • seals - Breathing Holes of Seals
  • selectrs - Steps used in Selecting an SRS
  • statepop - Unequal-Probability Sample of Counties in the US
  • statepps - Information on States
  • syc - Survey of Youth in Custody, 1987
  • teachers - Elementary School Teacher Workload Data
  • teachmi - Cluster Sizes for Elementary School Teacher Workload Data
  • teachnr - Follow-Up Study of Nonrespondents from Gnap
  • winter - ASU Winter Closure Survey


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

1 exports 0.09 score 0 dependencies 14 scripts 552 downloads

Last updated 2 years agofrom:9fd3994ebf. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 27 2024
R-4.5-winOKAug 27 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKAug 27 2024
R-4.4-winOKAug 27 2024
R-4.4-macOKAug 27 2024
R-4.3-winOKAug 27 2024
R-4.3-macOKAug 27 2024



Rendered fromSDaA_using_survey.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Aug 27 2024.

Last update: 2014-09-03
Started: 2014-09-03

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Data from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agricultureagpop
Data from a SRS of size 300 from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agricultureagsrs
Data from a stratified random sample of size 300 from the U.S. 1992 Census of Agriculture.agstrat
Length of Left Middle Finger and Height for 3000 Criminalsanthrop
Length of Left Middle Finger and Height for an SRS of Size 200anthsrs
Length of Left Middle Finger and Height for an Unequal-Probability Sample of Size 200anthuneq
Selection of Accounts for Audit in Example 6.11audit
Data from Home Owner's Survey on Total Number of Booksbooks
Data from the 1994 Survey of ASA Membership on Certificationcertify
Egg Size from Cootscoots
Data from an SRS of 100 of the 3141 Counties in the U.S.counties
Data from a Sample of Divorce Recordsdivorce
Simple Random Sample of Golf Coursesgolfsrs
Height and gender of 2000 persons in an artificial populationhtpop
Height and gender for an SRS of 200 persons, taken from htpophtsrs
Height and gender for a stratified random sample from htpophtstrat
Types of Sampling Used for Articles in a Sample of Journalsjournal
Draw Samples Using Lahiri's
Survey of Parents of Children Non-Immunized against Measlesmeasles
Victimization Incidents in the July-December 1989 NCVSncvs
Data Collected in the New York Bightnybight
Otters Dataotters
Ozone Readings from Eskdalemuir, for 1994 and 1995ozone
Samples Datasetsamples
Breathing Holes of Sealsseals
Steps used in Selecting an SRSselectrs
Unequal-Probability Sample of Counties in the USstatepop
Information on Statesstatepps
Survey of Youth in Custody, 1987syc
Elementary School Teacher Workload Datateachers
Cluster Sizes for Elementary School Teacher Workload Datateachmi
Follow-Up Study of Nonrespondents from Gnap (1995)teachnr
ASU Winter Closure Surveywinter